My first post of   the  year  as  2019  comes in and I did welcome it  with open arms

Didn't plan anything festive  for this  day, but instead  took a glass of  wine and waited for that NYC  drop off  countdown . Lots of stuff  going thru my head thinking ot the stuffs  I wanted to  change for this coming year.

Well, here are the few thing I would like to  do  for 2019 and I hope I can keep  it this time!

Here is the list  :

  1. Save money and get those savings up!
  2. Travel  ( Go  back home in Phils and also  visit the bestie in UK )
  3. Get  to  drive  and no more use of UBER ???
  4. Master a language (s)
  5. Get fit and eat healthy .
  6. Be more involve in volunteering

Bad habits that I need to  get rid.

  1.  Shoppaholic
  2. Eating alot. 

As 2018  bids goodbye with all the pain and heartaches and challenges here comes 2019.

Happy New Year Everyone!


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