Tokidoki for Japan

 Last  March 11th at 2:46 p.m.

Japan was hit with a  10 meter high TSUNAMI & then a intense earthquake hit  the tiny  island. . . Now  a Nuclear breakout.

 When  it comes to  helping out I'm always  ready  to  lend my hand ...

i really would love to be in this  Relief run, but  I'm out of  state right now :( and i  live in the east coast  ....
  It's good to know  i can still  help  out without doing the actual  RUN RELIEF , and just  buying this very  cute shirt and exclusively made by  the TKDK designer Simone Legno with  the collaboration and fund raiser Josh Duhamel  ( famously  known and recognized in the hit film ,  TRANSFORMERS ) .

 this  is not the   first  time Josh did a fund raiser, he did it also  last year with  the Haiti  earthquake victims and i t was successful  of course....

He is no just  a pretty  face but  also  with a compassionate heart =)

You can get this  shirt for $25 +  Tax !!!
and all proceeds go to  the US AMERICAN RED CROSS
what  a cool way  to help out and get a very  cute limited edition shirt :)

 no copyright infringements in this post all images are owned by  tkdk website and the relief run website .


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