Ocean City . Maryland 2013

Whenever October  comes , my  family   goes to  Ocean City, Maryland  for a weekend get away, and this year it was my baby   nephew  Liam's 1st  vacay  outside of his comfort zone in  New York  City ...

My cousin  Sheree and her family left  NYC  around 9:30am   and arrived in  KOP, PA around 12:30ish or  so  and since I  was still  working that  d

We met cuzzo Kristyn  in  Olive Garden which  was located in

As we get to our meeting place cuzzo  Krstyn  was our designated   driver, and did she knows the backways  to  get there faster and  elude the weekend  traffic .  Left  around 4:30ish  in  PA so  we arrived in   Ocean City Maryland around 8:30pm .

We decided  to stroll along the boardwalk at night even the weather wasn't really cooperating  since it was pretty  much  cold and windy  .

got some famous  milkshakes from Dumsers who  were about to close by  the time  we were arrived.

We walked and walked and then cuzzo Krystin   wanted  to see if there were ghost  crabs  roaming around the ocean lol so  I  gladly  went with  her while cuzzo  Kris stay  behind one of  the  bleachers ( I  can't blame her she was wearing some ankle boots and it was darn cold  )

So  we went to  the Marina and  and

Driving to  Ocean  City  , Maryland

Arriving in  Ocean  City  , Maryland

boardwalk at night ( ^_^ )/

blurry  shot of with  cuzzo  Kristyn  after we didn't find any  ghost  crabs
After our long walk and we kept bumping into  drunk  people already  in  the boardwalk we decided to  go home  and get some rest.



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