the WALL .... ( An Original Composition)


I  usually write poems anything that's on my mind. This was was originally written in February  8th , 2009 in my  old date planner, and now I decided  to  share it here  in  my personal  blog .

It's hard to  let go,
Specially if you  had build your dreams together

That  no matter what  happens,
The two  of you  will  have to face the obstacles forever
Standing side by side as ONE

But the unexpected happened,
and you have to face the truth.

The ugly painful truth
You have to LIE
You have to PRETEND

And no matter what  you  tell  yourself,
It is one of the hardest thing

You'll ever had to  do ...
To forget the person , 
whom you have


for all these years .

Ironic isn't it? 
the person who meant the world to you,
now becomes the person that  you  hated most .

You  go on circles , figuring out what  went on that  day , 
when GOODBYES were said .

You  thought of the right words to  say ,
But it broke down your  firm wall.

It broke your  heart 
and yes you felt so deeply  apart.


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