2012 Year End

What appears to be the end may really be a new beginning. - UNKNOWN

As the Year Ends, the bad memories and the  bad  aura  of 2012 ,
 I welcome  2013 with  a smile and a wish that  this  year will be more prospective than the  previous year that  it leaves behind.

2012 had brought Pain & Joy in my Life...

Early   of  2012  I had lost my job and got laid off, it was a struggle but then still thankful  that  I can still survive with   a little cash savings I had stash  away .

Business  is somewhat  doing good too and do  hope it will  continue that  way through this 2013.

Late this year , I was able to meet very cool and passionate people who  now  became my  2nd family, I  have never thought in my Life that  I would be part of the Cast  Members of Disney  and I am so glad that   I  became part of it ... wonderful friends that  I  made I will  surely miss you.

and most  of all I was still  blessed in 2012 and i would like to  thank  the Lord above for still  looking my way  and guiding me .

What  do  I wish  for  this New Year?  I wish i could be more productive and be able to finish that  goal   that  I've been  aiming for.

Still thankful and I do  hope that  the Lord will continue to  bless me more this 2013.

So to Everyone.... Happy New Year!



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