Juicy Couture Flora Collection

On my Birthday, (23.05) Mom wasn't able to give me a gift not that I was waiting for one , but she does usually give me something on my special day. 

She knew I like Juicy  Couture items , but this time she gave me a gift card  .. 
Maybe she knew that it would be better if I buy the stuff myself .

So early this morning I went to  the mall and got my gift in which I personally pick.

I've always been friends with all the sales associates and not to mention the head manager for the PLAZA's Juicy Couture Store, so they were happy to see me their # 1 Customer lol :P

I've been eyeing this cute and adorable Flora Jewelry collection and how lucky can I be this day ? They are on sale 

The collection is made of  brass plating and glass and are non- allergic .Im allergic to  fake jewelry, and it's fun to know these were not causing me any allergic reactions whihc is another plus .



I was hoping to get the Necklace too , but they ran out already  (so bummed about this ) so I ended up getting the bracelet for $34.99 and then the earrings ended up for $24.99  (  Both Items were Priced for $48.00 ).

I  Love my new accessories and I couldn't wait to tell mom how I love her gift!


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