New bundle of Joy

A week  ago or so  my cousin  had her baby shower , unfortunately I  wasn't able to  attend the said party  due to conflicting work  schedules (sighs).

Yesterday  evening we got  a call  from  her at around 5:30ish pm that  her water broke and since this is her 1st  baby  she doesn't really know  what to  do so  I guess she called us here in PA (  she resides in New York City ) who most  of her relatives resides and my mom who  was an expert on  delivering babies ^_^ ( she specialized in   the Pedia Dept and Nursery  when she was in her youth ) .

Photo snapped at the hospital's galley @ gaga baby  photos 
She was still  able to  text  us from time to time and then the text  messages stopped by  the time it was 11pm at night . And the next  news we got  from her is that  my nephew is out !

BABY LIAM ... although  the name is  predominantly said as an Irish name the roots are Germanic and it is also  Hebrew which meant, " My People" . Regardless of what  roots of his name was, it is a handsome name for a handsome baby .

My cousin's was so overwhelmed with joy  with her new baby  boy  and yes with the  hospital's   give away  gift  ( it is a goodie bag full  of CHANEL  stuffs .. yes you read it right CHANEL , I will take a snap  of the  said  goodie bag when I  get a chance to  visit them  in NYC within the coming weeks ) and the hospital has their own photographer in the nursery section  Yay! Feels like I  wanna give birth there when it is my time (  malayo pang mangyari  to  hahaha , dapat e  , oops  hahaha I am going  OFF TOPIC !.

So  to  my  nephew BABY LIAM WELCOME !!!!


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