Washington, DC : 1st Day [ A Walk or Two - Dinner Time]

We walked around the city  for awhile then when our stomachs was calling to our attention ... BOOM!
We really had to  eat dinner already  and ended up  chowing down in RICE BAR who is famous for their BIBIMPAP or literally  in English means mixed rice that  is topped out with  namul (sautéed and seasoned vegetables) and gochujang (chili pepper paste) .

We were lucky  that  we are still able to  get something to  eat  because we did arrived in the resto's location a little late and they  are about to  clean up  the place until we showed up  and gladly   we were able to  pick our  food. Kris got brown rice while I  got the white rice topped with  some bean sprouts, eggplant , bamboo shoots and korean kimchi  . We also  ordered some  California Roll  to go with our  dinner .

After chwoing down, we noticed that  it was darker than we entered and we had to   go  back to  our hotel since Kris's  seminar starts at 7:30ish  in the morning. As we hurried down the blocks and blocks and block of street while looking for the nearest  Metro station , we ended up  taking the Metro from  Foggy  Bottom  Station  .

This is like the rush  hour because we had to literally  stand up  in the train and  smelling everyone's armpits! ( or as we say it in tagalog KILI KILI ) . With  our  hand numbing ride to  our hotel  as we got off in  Rockville Station, we noticed that  our hotel can't be found anywhere (  literally it is a 8 minute walk  from  the station to  the hotel ) ... as we walked thru  and cous searched where the hell are we already  it turned out that  we are like  10 blocks away  from  our hotel according to her iPhone !

We decided to  get a taxi instead of walking because there was too much walking already  just  on  the 1st  day  in DC. As we tell the driver where are going he then mentions that  we got off the wrong station,  we got off at the 2nd last  stop  for the metro. It was supposed to  be in  WHITE FLINT and not in ROCKERViLLE!

The driver then adds that  it is confusing because the 3 stops before the last  stop  is considered as ROCK VILLE  (Rockville, Twinbrook and White Flint ).

As we are near our hotel it was a sign of relief and can't wait to get a hot shower and get some rest  for tomorrow's adventure . The ride with the taxi was fun and was a reminder that next time I take the Metro I have to get off the WHITE FLINT station and not Rockville and as parting gift  with the driver I  gave him the rest  of the change as his tip  for getting me and my  couz safe in our temporary home , our hotel .

Snagging a photo of moi before going off to  bed 


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