Roadtrip Prep !

I was excited to  go on a road trip  with  my cousin whom  will  be having her   seminar in  our Nation's Capital ( Washington, DC ) with free hotel  and gas trip , C'mon guys who could pass up on that?

So I  could not resist that  offer besides living in the United States in my teen and early adult life, I never had the glance to even see  the White House although Pennsylvania  is  just a couple hours away from DC.

It's a Sunday  night  and  after going  to  church , I packed up my stuffs for the trip  and yes,  
I usually  pack light  and in an organized  way  

My Toiletries are tucked away   in  my   Vivienne  Tam double Happiness  Make Up Bag that  I  got on a very  good  deal in  JCPenney for  $ 10 ( it had an original price of $22 + State Tax ) . 

Besides  my  toilettries , I brought  with  me my  very  own  Vivienne Tam Laundry  Bags  , how  could I  resist they  were really really CHEAP for 3 pc for a $1 ?  Who could pass on  that one right? 
( Originally sold for  $22 + State Tax ) 

Vivienne Tam Double Happiness Dragon  in Black  & Grey

Vivienne Tam  3pc double Happiness in Pantone colors
I seriously damaged my UN Colors of Benetton luggage  that I  ended  up   using my  2  mini  luggage get away bags . One being made of canvas which is by the way super durable that  i can fit everything in it , but  I got this phobia that  if I  stash  all my stuff I will end up destroying my bag purposely  >_<, so I  ended up using  my Nylon NEW YORK CITY tote bag  to put all my  footwear in it.

While I kept all my clothing in  my Kidrobot  (the pink one ) from  Kidrobot's Tado Little Secret Print from the Basix Collection in which I  bought 5 years ago  in  Bloomingdale's . This  bag is made of durable canvas and can I  say  UBER CUTE!(  ^_^)

Kidrobot's Tado  Little Secret Basix Collection  ( pink) and New York  printed Nylon Tote Bag
Well, gotta get my beeauty  rest  guys,   Will  keep  you posted on  my  ROAD TRIP .


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