no fable comunicazione ....

<3 <3 randomly wrote this in the top of my head just pouring how I so much hurting right now ... 
had to vent somehow, in able for me to breathe properly or else I'll really loose my sanity...
to others it maybe a simple thing, but to me , it's a BIG thing. 

Everything right now is crumbling , 
 I  think  i'm  loosing my  grip  , 
 So I  just  started sobbing ...

Felt so  all alone , 
even though there should be SOMEONE there for me

It hurts me more ,

to  feel  ,
 that I  don't exist ....

Do I ask too much of you?

Am I  too  much for you?

I try not to be clingy  

I try  not  to be a pain ,

All I want from  you is communication ,

that you sometimes fail to  give in ...

I know you're busy  too, 
I try  my  very  best  to  understand, 

but  what  hurts me more,

 no fable comunicazione .


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