Phone Wish List

People had been crazy  about iPhone I mean literally all the people I accidentally bumped into has this device and not to mention a little baby  holding a iPhone3gs just trying to watch  an animated movie by  Barbie (  I shook my head upon seeing thisin dismay  )

It's amazing that  our world had been   evolving with all the gadgets around us, and not to  mention the  apps and social networks that  seem so popular with the youth today  ,...

It's sad to say  that  my  phone NOKIA has been with me for almost  10 years now ( yes 10 years  you read it  right ) and still  going and going, but  the past  weeks i  have been deliberately talking myself into  getting a new phone ( my  nokia is still  good , however the  Yahoo Msgr apps and the  email  function has been tainted a little bit bec of  dropping my device all the time),

there are 2 phones that  I really want  the HELLO KITTY SAMSUNG WAVE  which only are available in  FRANCE and are UNLOCK and are ready  to be used anywhere in the world ...

then  came the TOKIDOKI HUWEI which is  sanctioned by  Simone Legno and METRO PC... the item is  LIMITED EDITION which means only a few folks will have this  phone 

[ photo grabbed from ]

Saving some money for these babies ... (sighs)


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