Open Poem 4U {Orig. Scribbles}

i was content with my life, but yet i felt incomplete.

i looked happy, but deep inside i felt deflated.

then you came along, always brighten up my day,
scared to fall in love again, i tried shunning myself from you

but my heart can’t tell a lie,it’s telling me
you’re the one meant for me.

i tried brushing it off, ’cause it’s too fast.
but i couldn’t deny the feeling, i am already falling

you’re everything that i’ve been praying for,
what else could i ask for…

please be careful with my heart, it may break in half.

i’m giving it away again, for the last time

i hope you’ll take good care of it,
forever, until the end of time…..

This is an original scribbled poem whom I made for someone way  back in  2006 . 
I wrote this one in my diary  in Feb.16, 2008


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