A Fallen Brother

We usually celebrate our Memorial Day  by  just  watching parades and tributes in the television while we chow  down  in an ALL AMERICAN FOOD TRIP

But  this year, it's all different,  we had to go to church  and then stopped by  at around 10am in St Augustine Cemetery  which is usually the nearest  cemetery  that honors servicemen that  had passed away ... and one of those men in uniform is my late uncle Roger who had passed away  last Year ( DEC. 10. 2011)

the flower bouquet that I made from scratch  

the sisters : (L to R ) Mom , tita Tess and tita Minda (the one with the hat)

It's still painful  to  think  that  Uncle  Roger is gone and he is not here with with us anymore,  it is gonna be a different year  for  all  the  occasions that  we celebrate.

The al AMERICAN FOOD we can chow down

RIP Tito Roger !!! We Will Miss  You!

Thank You  for  your Sacrifices and your Gallantry


Vietnam War (Jungle Survival Sgt.)
Persian Gulf


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