Post Christmas Snow

I think it's time for  me to  buy  a Toro  snow blower ... I hate shovelling snow  *_^

After Christmas eve and Christmas day, we were all  busog due to the big feast  that  my  family  had the past  2 days .

 Not to mention the never ending parties at work and the chowing down of  mouth watering foods seemed that  it will  not  end soon ....

 However the warmth and this joyous occasion turned suddenly to a frigid , windy winter wonderland.

 (26th Dec 2010 ) next  day  at exactly 1pm EST , the snow started falling from the  sky   not to mention, the ridiculous winds hammering from side to  side ...

Oh i  wish  this  winter won't be that bad  ..... I hate shoveling snow,  my  back will definitely  ache again arghhh !


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