
Showing posts from August, 2013


Filipino  gatherings are a fun way  to  get out of the stress and meet old friends you haven't seen around for quite some time . I was  really glad that  I went to  attend tita Carrie's 60th birthday  bash  which  was themed HAWAIIAN LUAU PARTY ( unfotunately not everyone was wearing  Hawaiian  themed dress or shirts ) . Anyways regardless of not everyone was wearing Hawaiian dress or shirts the party  was still  fun naman of course . Me, mom and Tita Shonie and Liby  prep ourselves up  in  tita's place and  then went to  drive to  tita Nora's place so  that  we can have convoys  because literally speakign tita Shonie doesn't have any idea hot to get to  Tita Carrie's place. The  party  started at 5:30  but  we ended  up  arriving  around  6pm  (  30 mins Filipino  time di  ba? :P ) There were lots of p...

NONENITY ( Original composition )

You  can call it whatever , but this was a random  thought that  came out of my head just jot it down in a peace of paper and transfered it in  one of my photos I  took  in  Ocean  City , Maryland last  year. NOTES: Poem was written in  15 August  2013 Photo taken  in  8 October 2012   ( Ocean City , Maryland ) PHOTO AND POEM ARE ORIGINAL WORK ! Please do  not copy or share without my permission . Thanks !

Crossing that Line

Had a fun night  dinner  with  the cuzzos  and  guess  what  it says  in   my  fortune cookie ... I  really  hope that  whatever  it  is  , it  will  make me smile  from  ear  to  ear  just  like  the smileys  on  this  fortune cookie  mini  scroll ..


This blog has been neglected !  Been  busy  lately  with  other stuffs but I  have   30 pending posts that  has been  pushed back  :( First the lappy was acting up  and I really think  it will be giving  up  on  me anytime soon. I'll promise to   update this blog as I  finish  designing my site and all  paintings too  .  YAY !